66 Soft

A 66-day challenge adapted from 75 hard with an emphasis on mindfulness and mental health.

66 days instead of 75 because according to neuroscience, it takes about 66 days to create a habit. Soft instead of hard because this isn’t about mental and physical grit and forcing yourself through a grueling challenge. It’s a gentle approach to incorporating habits conducive to living a more mindful, joyful life.


  • Morning Loving Kindness Meditation* - before looking at your phone

  • Gratitude Journal* - before looking at your phone, list 5 things you’re grateful for, 1 thing you’re looking forward to, and 1 thing you’re working on

  • 30 minutes of movement - something you enjoy, preferably outside

  • Drink a gallon of water per day - fill and finish that 40oz bottle 3 times

  • No alcohol, no substances you use to numb/”relax,” i.e. cannabis, cigarettes, etc.

  • Yoga Nidra* before bed/as you fall asleep.

* Free digital downloads

** Optional for-purchase journals available on Amazon. Click here.

Guided Meditations