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The Alchemy’s power yoga class is a heated vinyasa flow designed to challenge you physically and mentally. The studio is heated to 100 degrees while loud, energetic music accompanies your movements as our expert teachers guide you through a fun and unique class. The heat warms your muscles so you can achieve maximum flexibility and therefore build maximum strength while also adding to the challenge and increasing your body temperature so you can sweat heavily to improve circulation and support your body’s natural detoxing processes. The class begins with warming your body up, before moving through various creative sun salutations, balancing postures, opportunities for arm balances and inversions, and ending with deep stretching and sweet, sweet savasana.
This is a physically demanding class designed to push you, but regardless of whether you’re brand new to the practice or consider yourself a life-time yogi, you’re welcome here without judgement. As we link our breathing with out movements, you’ll be guided deeper into yourself, and simultaneously, into community.
Gentle yoga is power’s calmer sister. This heated vinyasa flow is designed to marry strength and flexibility. You’ll be guided through slower, more intentional movements to improve your overall mobility for now, and in the future. The studio is heated to 100 degrees and you can expect fun, vibey music while your teacher guides you through a warm up, various gentle sun salutations, followed by deep stretching, and ending in savasana.
This is a class focused mostly on improving mobility and getting into all the little areas you might not typically consider in your other movement routines. It is suitable for beginners and advanced practitioners alike, and is a lovely compliment to your power practice, strength training, or any sport or hobby.
Yin is a more passive practice, essentially the opposite of a vinyasa class. You’ll trade flowy movements linked with breath for stillness in mostly grounded postures where you’ll meet your edge for 3-7 minutes. These long holds allow you to challenge your mind and relax deeply into the shape. As you do, you get into the deep connective tissues of your body including the fascia, ligaments, and tendons. These often neglected tissues often hold the key to unlocking deeper flexibility, releasing tension, and finally letting go of stale energies and old traumas. Traditionally, yin yoga is done in a quiet, cold room, and focuses on the muscles of the pelvis, hips, spine, and knees. The Alchemy’s Yin uses music to take you deeper into the practice, and in addition to the lower body, we will focus on the upper body to help improve your posture and mobility.
This practice is less physically demanding, yet can be challenging mentally, offering you a unique opportunity to build mental fortitude and tolerance for discomfort. This class always ends with 15 minutes of guided meditation. All of this adds up to a more mobile, less painful body and a deeper knowing of one’s self. This class is suitable for beginners and recommended as a supplement for active individuals as well. This class will be warm, but not hot.
The Alchemy Studio recognizes the difference between yin and restorative yoga. Where yin is a passive practice, it’s also mentally challenging. In restorative yoga, we refuse any and all “work,” and trade it in for a sacred gift: rest.
Also lovingly referred to as “take-a-nap” yoga, restorative uses various props to deeply hold and support your body in the gentle postures for 5-15 minutes. The only goal is to let your nervous system rest, heal, and recover. It is a deeply meditative practice, so you’ll be guided through deep relaxation throughout the entire class and end in a brief savasana.
yoga kids.
At The Alchemy Studio we know that our children are our future. Kid’s today face challenges that we adults know nothing about, so we’ve brought to you a unique kid’s yoga opportunity. More than just a yoga class, this supplemental education class is designed to introduce children to the physical practice, yes, but arguably more importantly, yogic philosophy and various mindfulness techniques.
We refuse to dumb down the practice, because we believe children are fully capable humans who deserve to experience the strength of their bodies, and the power of their minds. This class offers opportunities to socialize, build confidence, and feel empowered.
The Yoga Kid’s program is a twice-weekly, 2 hour class. Parents are invited to stay and participate, or drop their child off for the duration.
This is a brand new class that may need adjusting as we go. The intention is that this class serves as a Montessori-inspired one-room-school house where children of all ages gather. Younger kids can be inspired and learn from older kids, while older children get to practice leading while keeping their child-like innocence alive and thriving by gaining inspiration from the little ones.